Justice for Palestine

Founded in the wake of the December ‘08 Israeli attack on Gaza, Justice for Palestine is a community educational and organizing project. We provide grassroots education and generate political pressure needed to re-orient US policy toward a just peace. Coordinated by the Syracuse Peace Council, it includes people active in the local Methodist Task Force for Middle East Peace, the Islamic Society of Central New York, Al Huda Muslim American Society Mosque and Syracuse Jews for Peace.

Nakba Commemoration 2018
Nakba Commemoration 2018

Take Action

This August, the Israeli government plans to continue its ethnic cleansing across all of Palestine by forcibly pushing Palestinians out of their homes in the Jerusalem neighborhoods of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan. The Palestinian people remain steadfast in their resistance, refusing to be uprooted from their homeland. For decades, the U.S. has funded this violence, and now in solidarity with a continuing, historic Palestinian uprising of unity against Israel’s colonialism, we in the U.S. have a role to rise with them.

Take Action

Weekly Demonstrations

Free Gaza

Every Friday: 4:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Corner of East Genesee St. & Erie Blvd, DeWitt, NY

Get Involved

Interested in getting involved with local organizing for Palestinian human rights? Simply email us at spc@peacecouncil.net so we can chat about where to start! New folks are always welcome to help out with tasks and roles both large and small, whether it be petitioning, sign-making, data-entry, research, writing, or other ideas from you.

Justice for Palestine is always looking for new people to contribute to our efforts. We meet monthly. Contact us if you’re interested in attending an upcoming meeting or getting involved in other ways.

You can also subscribe to our low-volume Justice for Palestine Committee announcements list, where we send updates on campaigns, events, actions, and ways you can plug into this work.

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